WV Raw Honey


A multitude of flowers of the West Virginia hills and hollows is combined into one delicious raw West Virginia honey that explodes with flavor in your mouth. Truly the best of West Virginia in a bottle. Sugar Bottom Farm is veteran owned, and is proud to be certified WV Grown, certified Homegrown by Heroes, a member of the Farmer Veteran Coalition, and a Pollinator Habitat Farm.

Available in 4, 8 and 16 oz Muth bottles.

 Additional Info

  • Premium raw honey has natural pollen and enzymes.
  • In addition to its delicious taste, raw honey has been credited with many health benefits. In its raw form, this antioxidant-packed super food promotes wound healing; boosts immunity; provides allergy relief; and more.  
  • Muth bottles are sealed with a cork and hand-dipped in beeswax. 
  • Do not microwave or refrigerate honey.
  • If your honey has crystallized heat a pan of water to 150° F/65°C. Remove from heat and place container in pan until liquified.    

.Warning: Do not feed to infants under 1 year of age.

About The Unique Muth Bottles  

Sugar Bottom Farms is proud to offer their raw honey in these beautiful antique bottles. This container design was popularized by C.F. Muth of Cincinnati, Ohio in the late 1800’s, around the time when the honey extractor was invented. Previously, honey had been sold primarily in the honeycomb. The honey extractor allowed liquid honey to be spun from the combs, to be bottled and marketed in convenient shelf-stable containers.


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